What is ControlRoll?

+10 years specializing in Services Companies

Software to manage and control HR, roles, tasks, payroll, billing and quotes for service companies, based on 6 pillars; Budget, Plan, Served, Payment, Billing. Achieving total visibility of the services provided by your Company.

Why do you check attendance? Why do you generate the same processes every month?

Give us 30 minutes to show you another way...

What we have?

5 Modules that will change your life... Automate and Improve your Company.



Create and Manage Clients, Estimate Services, Shifts and Schedules. Centralize and Secure the information of your Clients.



Complete Collaborator File, Online Contracts, Annexes, Vacations, Licenses, Settlements, Virtual Folder, Electronic Signature.



Plan Shifts and Control Attendances in a big way, have precise visibility of your Operation. Anticipate, Control and Save.



Salaries and Advances with just a few clicks, goodbye overtime reported or absenteeism by phone... All the same tool!



Schedule Billing cycles, Automate Adjustable Pre-Invoices, Fixed/Variable Prices, Uncovered Hours, Additional Events and more...

(Optional for HR Module)


Portal for your workers; Settlements, Applications, Certificates, Electronic Signature, Shift Planning and more...


Automated Invoice & Billing Custom Process.

Consulting Engineering Services.

SAAS web services.

What is the Key?

Generate savings by Control, applying technologies and automated processes.

Automate the 80-20

Automate 80% of Attendance and Manage only 20%, with Electronic Attendance Book.

Electronic signature

Signatures of Annexes? contracts? The Worker can do it from his phone, No+Paper, No+Fines.

Payroll and Payments

Processes and calculates inmediately, configure logic, receive parameters and you will know today what you must pay at the end of the month.

Contributor Portal

Visibility for your Workers, Settlements, Shifts, Requests, Vacations and more... Via telephone (Central IVR), App and Web.

Scheduled Billing

Configure your Clients, adjustments, currencies, dates, amounts and calculated or external amounts and your invoices will be issued on the day you choose. We are online with SII.

A 24H ally

Reports in real time, configurable Kpi's, Deadlines, Regulations, Productivity. ControlRoll will give you visibility of what you need to see and perhaps what you didn't see…

Our team

They and their people do amazing things.

Luis Bauerle

We think of solutions that give you free time

Luis Bauerle

CEO & Fundator

Cristian Sotelo

We develop in a serious, robust and professional way.

Cristian Sotelo

CIO ControlRoll

Cristina Soto

Our Clients forced us to be the best.

Cristina Soto

Consulting Manager

German Gallegos

Dedicated and accompanied implementations

German Gallegos

COO ControlRoll

Joan Muñoz

A mix of visions makes us converge on the best.

Joan Muñoz

UI/UX Designer

Drianjelym Mosqueda

We are going to lead LATAM in HR control

Drianjelym Mosqueda

Support Team Leader

A picture more than a thousand words

We create what you need

Note 4.8 of 5

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